3 April 2018

KAMAZ is one of leaders under indices of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) in the sphere of sustainable development – Responsibility and Transparency and Sustainable Development Vector for 2017.

Alexander Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, congratulated Sergey Kogogin, Director General of KAMAZ PTC, on "high results, achievement of leadership in the sphere of sustainable development, corporate responsibility and reporting." Besides, he expressed hope that the company will continue pursuing a transparency policy.

At the core of the RSPP's indices compiled since 2014 is the analysis of quantifiable data, including both annual and non-financial reports. The compilers review reports of Russia’s 100 largest companies according RAEX-600 and RBC-500 rankings. The project is aimed at development of a responsible business practice, identification of leaders in transparency and sustainable development, creation of the platform for regular monitoring of a situation in this area. The results received are used for identification of best practice and benchmarking, improvement of the public reporting quality and activity in the field of corporate responsibility and sustainable development.

The Responsibility and Transparency index is intended to characterize the real situation with the disclosure of corporate information on sustainable development and corporate responsibility. The Sustainable Development Vector index is an index of the companies' changing performance in this sphere to evaluate a tendency of the main social and economic, as well as environmental aspects for several years.

In 2017, RSPP's indices were included in the international database of sustainable development ratings and indices.
