17 April 2018

The top managers of KAMAZ PTC approved the Policy in Non-Financial Motivation of the Staff.

This is the first document under the project "Building the System of Non-Financial Motivation of the Staff" launched by the Service of Employment Contracts within the frames of the strategy of human resource management at KAMAZ. The policy is developed by the participants of the cross-functional group which consists of the representatives of the company's subdivisions and organizations. The project itself is aimed at the construction of the set of motivation programs focused on better satisfaction, engagement and loyalty of the staff contributing to a rise in the efficiency of work.

Modern tools of moral incentives focused on KAMAZ's innovation-based development and their testing in pilot departments will be developed in the near future. "Intangible incentives for employees is a part of the corporate culture," explained Firaya Kosinova, Head of the Service of Employment Contracts. "On the one hand, it is focused on the company's business result, on the other hand, – on a worker's personal interests. Various tools of non-financial motivation are used for different personnel categories. Our goal is to develop such a system which will be focused on workers' better inner satisfaction: we want them to be happy when they complete their work, satisfied with the result achieved, realize that their work is important, be proud to be part of the staff and the company."
